

We are deeply grateful to all those who have contributed generously to make these scholarships possible. Together we are able to support our students until they have completed their studies.

To enable us to give additional students the possibility of a brighter future
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Ibraheem Mahmoud Daas from Deir Istiya, West Bank, Palestine

Ibraheem is studying computer engineering at An-Najah University of Palestine,
with 3 years remaining of his 5 year course.

‘I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Spring Up for the great support you have provided me. Your generosity and kindness have been a great source of inspiration for me, and I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities your support has offered me. With every step I take in my educational journey, I always remember your valuable contributions, and I look forward to the day I can give back to the community using what I have learned.’

Sami Mohammad Haji from the village of Burqa, West Bank, Palestine

Sami is studying computer engineering at An-Najah University of Palestine,
with 1.5 years remaining of his 4 year course.

‘I wish to express my profound appreciation and sincere gratitude to Spring Up for their generous support. As I make progress with my studies I am inspired by Spring Up’s spirit of giving, which I wish to emulate using the knowledge and skills I have gained to make a positive impact on society.’

May Noman from the village of Deir Zaita, West Bank, Palestine

May is studying medicine at the Polytechnic University of Palestine,
with 1 year remaining of her 6 year course.

‘I believe in Steve Jobs when he said: ‘The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.’ Well, I am one of those crazy people.’

‘The specific problems that I want to find solutions for are diseases, especially cancer. When I was twelve years old my youngest sister became ill, and we found out she had cancer in her leg. She suffered so much. Due to a medical error during the operation to remove the tumour she lost sensation in parts of her leg, and now she cannot walk normally. That is why I want to study in the field of medicine. I want to be one of the people who work hard to find a perfect treatment that won’t harm patients like my sister.’

Ikram Mustafa Abdel Fattah Daoud

Ikram is studying Special Education at Al Quds Open University,
with 1 year left of their 4 year course.

‘When my father passed away our family was left with no breadwinner. I love studying, and my aim is to complete my education so that I can get a job and support my family and bring relief from poverty. It helps that my mother has faith in me, and believes that I will succeed in my ambition without difficulty.’

With the support of donors we have so far enabled students to complete their studies in Medicine, Nursing, Media and PR, and Mechanical Engineering.

Lina Zidan – graduated in 2023 in Medicine

Lina was one of the first students we were able to support when Spring Up Foundation was first formed.

‘I hope to be a good doctor, from a humane point of view. Practising in hospitals and seeing the ways in which some qualified doctors deal poorly with patients, and how patients have difficulty getting the right treatment due to financial problems, can bring a feeling of helplessness. I’m keen to overcome this, and offer the right kind of help to patients myself.’

‘I lost my mother, and it all happened so fast. From her diagnosis to her death took only one year, and we could do nothing to prevent it. As a doctor I want to discover a new drug for cancer and help to bring happiness and fulfilment to the lives of children and families.’

Afnan Samer Mansour – graduated in 2023 in Special Education

Afnan studied Special Education at Al Quds Open University.

Afnan expresses her gratitude to Allah and to all those who have helped her and stood by her in her scientific career so far. She also tells us how she draws strength and inspiration from her brother Yazan, and of her hope that he will be released from prison.

The photo here shows Afnan with her parents, aunt, sister and two of her brothers. The poster her brother is holding show photos of their eldest brother Yazan, currently in prison.

Mahmoud Noman – graduated in 2020 in Medicine (the update below was sent in July 2024)

"My journey from Palestine to Germany has been both challenging and rewarding. Leaving behind a land filled with conflict and uncertainty, I was driven by the hope for a better future and the desire to make a positive impact in Palestine and give back to my people. I am currently in the process of obtaining the working license to specialize here and am looking forward to the opportunities to grow both personally and professionally."

"Despite the hardships and sorrow that many face in Palestine, my story is still unfolding. I hope it will serve as a testament to the possibilities that lie ahead with determination and perseverance. I am deeply grateful for the support and assistance that the Spring Up Foundation has generously provided throughout my journey. I am confident that your foundation will always bring hope and inspiration to many others in the face of adversity."

"May there be peace soon, and may we all continue to strive for a better tomorrow.
Thank you once again for this opportunity."

Ameen abu Hijleh – graduated in 2019 in Mechanical Engineering

‘As my father is the only one in my family working, he had to take out a loan to pay for my studies, placing him in debt. Receiving my Spring Up scholarship was the best thing that could have happened for us, reducing our hardship. On behalf of my family I thank you with all my heart.’

Palestinian student speaks about her ambitions despite the separation barrier from Spring Up Foundation on Vimeo.